India / Anti child marriage law 19 year old boy made 17 year old girl pregnant

Vikrant Shekhawat : Apr 27, 2022, 10:02 PM
17 Year Old Minor Girl Pregnant: A 19-year-old boy has been booked for making a 17-year-old girl pregnant in Pune. This 17 year old girl is pregnant for three months. Police has registered a case of rape against the boy.

information from hospital

Pune Police is taking action against the father's exploits. The police got information about this matter from a hospital in Pimpri Chinchwad. After this, an FIR was registered against the girl's 19-year-old husband and father.

Police engaged in investigation

Police have started preliminary investigation but no arrest has been made so far. According to a report published in 'Indian Express', police officials said that the two got married in July last year. The police have implemented the provisions of Section 376 of the IPC i.e. Anti Child Marriage Act, 2006. The police contacted the families of both.

requested people

The police requested the people to immediately register a complaint if they come to know about any child marriage near them. According to the law in India, the age of marriage for women is 18 years and for men is 21 years.