World / Monkeypox virus spread in so many countries of the world passengers will be monitored at airports and ports in India

Vikrant Shekhawat : May 21, 2022, 03:27 PM
World Health Organization (WHO) has updated 80 cases of monkeypox in 11 countries, 50 are under investigation, according to WHO, the first case of monkeypox came in London on May 5, when the same family This infection was seen among 3 people, it was reported to the World Health Organization on May 13, but now the disease has gradually spread to 11 countries.

Cases found in these countries

Meanwhile, after receiving more than 100 confirmed or suspected cases of monkeypox in Europe, the World Health Organization (WHO) has also called an emergency meeting to discuss. The highest number of cases have been found in Germany so far. At the same time, after getting cases in America, Canada and Australia, now cases have also been confirmed in UK, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Italy. In all, there have been more than 100 cases of monkeypox.

symptoms of illness

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), monkeypox usually presents with fever, rash and lumps and can lead to a variety of medical complications. Symptoms of the disease usually appear for two to four weeks, which go away on their own. Matters can also be serious. In recent times, the mortality ratio has been around 3-6 per cent, but it can be as high as 10 per cent. No case of death has been reported during the current spread of the infection.

Alert at airports in India

Although no case has been reported in India so far, but the central government is on alert regarding monkeypox, passengers coming from African countries are being monitored at the airport, if needed, their samples are taken for investigation at the National Institute of Virology in Pune. can be sent.

How to avoid this disease?

Monkeypox virus takes 5 to 12 days to spread to a person, this disease can be spread from infected animal, apart from this, other person can get this disease due to contact with saliva or skin of infected person, usually 20 days. Inside, this disease is cured on its own, in some cases, treatment is required in the hospital, like small pox, the patient of monkeypox also needs to be kept in isolation so that this disease does not spread to others.