Special / Pakistan girl divorced after second nikah married third time islam Muslim halala video viral

Vikrant Shekhawat : Feb 23, 2023, 07:22 PM
Islam Muslim Marriage Halala: Marriage breakdown is very sad. People can hardly recover from this pain. But people are praising the courage of a Pakistani girl. This girl got divorced after marriage. He did second marriage. But that marriage also did not last and got divorced. After this, showing courage, the girl married for the third time. Four years have passed since his third marriage. Now his story is going viral on social media.

The name of this girl is Ramsha. This girl has shared her experience on the Facebook page named 'Conversation with Kanwal'. In this video, the girl has told that there were ups and downs in her life. Text and photos are also visible in this video.

'it's all over'

Ramsha says- When I was 22 years old, I got divorced shortly after marriage. Life seemed ruined. After a few years, I got married again and started living in America. But this marriage also did not work and that too broke up. In the video, she said that then she had become completely alone abroad. Then a friend helped him. With his help the divorce process and documentation was completed. That friend of Ramsha is also seen in the video.

She further said, I did not want to return to Pakistan because I knew that people would taunt me when I came back. So I started exploring America with a friend. It was a very difficult time but friends helped a lot. Ramsha returned to Pakistan after a year. But his relatives gave him a grand welcome. They were standing at the airport with balloons and banners. With the help of family members, Ramsha started forgetting both her broken relationships.

then suddenly life changed

After a year, Ramsha's life changed again. A person came in his life. After a few weeks both of them got married. It is seen in the video that Ramsha herself drove the car in the dress of the bride. Four years have passed since their marriage and the couple has two children. People got emotional after knowing his story and also praised his courage.