Rajasthan / Wife had an illicit relationship, so husband gave four people betel nut to kill Aashiq

Vikrant Shekhawat : Apr 04, 2021, 07:01 AM
A case has come out of Barmer district of Rajasthan where the police have arrested 5 people on charges of assaulting a person. Sensation has been revealed in the interrogation of the accused. According to the police, when the husband came to know about the illicit relationship of the wife, the husband gave a betel nut of fifty thousand to four people. ali police station on 8 March. In the report, he said that some unknown people entered his house at 10:00 am and beat him up. On this, the Kotwali police registered a case and started investigating the entire case

After this, the Barmer Kotwali police station, while taking action, arrested 5 people and also seized a vehicle from their possession in the case of assaulting Hari Babu Jatav.

Kotwali Police Officer Prem Prakash said that investigation revealed that Hari Babu Jatav had an illicit relationship with a woman. With which the woman's husband gave a supari of Rs 50000 to four people of Nagaur and beat him with Hari Babu Jatav.

Prem Prakash told that the four accused returned to Nagaur after being assaulted. After which the police, while investigating, along with the four accused, have arrested the husband of the woman who gave betel nut. Police has started investigating the entire case by adding the section of SC ST in the case.