Science / WMO Warning - Earth may get 40% warmer in next 5 years… Will it be called catastrophe?

Zoom News : May 30, 2021, 06:47 AM
Scientists have warned that the temperature of the earth may increase by 40 percent in the next five years. This will break all previous records of summer. At the same time, the work being done under the Paris Environment Agreement will be derailed. These warnings have been issued by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). This organization's warning of experts warning also says that 2025 will break the record of being the hottest year. For this, this organization is claiming to be 90 percent strong.

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has predicted seasonal changes around the world in the next five years. In it, he has claimed that the year 2025 could again break the record for the hottest year. Because in the next five years, the temperature of the earth can rise up to 40 percent. Apart from this, there is a possibility of the arrival of Hurricanes of horrific levels in the Atlantic Ocean.

WMO's prediction for this year is that countries on the northern hemisphere of the Earth will have a temperature rise of 0.8 degrees Celsius. These temperatures are higher than in the last few decades. The ongoing drought in the Southwest of America will continue in this condition for now. That is, the countries of the northern hemisphere of the Earth in which most of the continents fall, they will tolerate above average temperature this year.

WMO has reported in its report that the temperature for any one year for the next five years will be 1.5 degrees Celsius higher than the industrial period. In this case, all efforts to reduce global warming under the influence of the Paris environment agreement can be blown away. At this time the world is 1.2 degrees Celsius warmer than the industrial period. Last year, the same organization predicted 20 percent warmer instead of 40 percent.

United Kingdom meteorologist Leo Hermanson said that a double increase in temperature means changing technology. That is, such technology which is changing, but it is also increasing the heat. We have never paid attention to the polar regions. The condition there is getting worse day by day. WMD's warning means that all countries and their governments will have to take strict steps to save the environment and the earth.

Environmentalist Michael Mann of Pennsylvania State University said that it is true that the world will not be able to fulfill the agreement reached in Paris. The time set in the agreement to reduce global warming, before that the earth will get warmer. It is certain that in the next five years, one or two years will happen which will be 1.5 degrees Celsius warmer than the average temperature. We just don't know what year it will be. Michael Mann said that this can be stopped but many tough decisions have to be taken immediately.

WMO Secretary General Professor Pateri Tallas said that it is not just statistics. It is much more than that. The ice is melting, sea level is increasing due to the constantly increasing temperature. More heatwaves are being seen. Extremely bad weather is visible. Because of this, the population around the world will crave for food. Food, health, environment and sustainable development will have an impact on these four.

Pro. Pateri Tallas said that only half of the 193 countries included in the WMO have a disaster reporting system. That is, early warning system. The environmental sectors of the countries will have to be changed drastically. Such as health, water, agriculture and sustainable energy. Along with this, the early warning system has to be enhanced so that people can save themselves and their property in extreme inclement weather. Especially to Africa and coastal countries.

It is believed that there will be a serious discussion about the environment at the G-7 Leaders Summit to be held in the UK from 11 to 13 June. Because the prediction of some big countries of the world is also equal to WMO. These countries are Spain, Germany, Canada, China, America, Japan, Australia, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. But just by coming together these countries and taking any step will not work. For this, all the countries of the world will have to come together.

WMO Pro. Pateri Tallas said that this is a very scientific and fact-based study. It's not just a prediction that bad weather will come and go. It will affect the whole earth. The effect of which will be on the people and animals living in every habitable area of ​​the earth. Because the fire of the forests of Australia and California, the breaking of the icebergs, the disappearance of glaciers are the result of this rising temperature. In this way the biodiversity of the earth will be eradicated.