Viral News / Yellow tongue-pain in stomach, doctor worried after seeing strange symptoms in child's body

Zoom News : Jul 25, 2021, 05:08 PM
Doctors are also terrified after seeing the yellow tongue of a 12 year old child. This child has been found to be seriously suffering from an autoimmune disorder. According to the report, the child's immune system is attacking his own red blood cells (blood cells) in the body, due to which he had such a condition.

According to a report in 'The New England Journal of Medicine', after showing some serious symptoms in the body of the child, he was admitted to a hospital in Toronto (Canada). Doctors told that he had complaints like sore throat, yellow urine, abdominal pain and yellowing of the skin.

Seeing the delicate condition and symptoms of the child, the doctors thought that it was jaundice (jaundice). This is a disease in which the color of the skin and white part of the eye starts turning yellow. However, the bright yellow tongue of the child put the doctors in more trouble.

After conducting some tests, the doctors found the child infected with anemia and 'Epstein-Barr virus'. This is a virus that usually infects children and there are many types of autoimmune problems seen in it.

In fact, doctors have found the child to be suffering from 'cold agglutinin disease'. This is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system of a person starts attacking the blood cells of his own body. Doctors say that cold temperatures trigger this condition.

Doctors think that the child may have contracted a disease called cold agglutinin only after being infected with the Epstein-Barr virus. The picture of the symptoms appearing on the child's tongue is now becoming increasingly viral.

According to the National Institutes of Health, cold agglutinin causes the body's red blood cells to break down rapidly and a yellow compound called bilirubin begins to form. Due to this chemical compound, people have jaundice.

Doctors have treated the child with the help of blood transfusion and oral steroids. For the last seven weeks, efforts were being made to reduce the child's immune system activity. It has been told in the report that the child has now become completely healthy and the color of his tongue has also become normal.

Symptoms of Cold Agglutinin Disease- Doctors say that in this disease, symptoms like tiredness, dizziness, headache, cold hands and feet and yellowing of the skin can be seen in this disease.

Apart from this, symptoms like excessive yellow urine, chest pain, pain in extremities, diarrhea and vomiting can also be seen.