Viral News / A lot of footprints of the last dinosaurs roaming England were found, scientists are happy

Zoom News : Jun 20, 2021, 03:45 PM
The last time in the world has got the footprints of the last dinosaurs running on the ground. These marks have been seen in Folkstone in England's Kent area. These are the footprints of the dinosaurs of about six species. According to archaeologists, they are about 11 million years old. They claim that these last dinosaurs who are roaming around Britain. This study has been done by researchers of Hustings Museum and Art Gallery and University of Portsmouth.

The footprints of the dinosaurs are met in Folkstone (Folkestone) of Kent. Where the stormy weather constantly bumps sea waves with strong winds on stones. Because of which they are now seen to see the footprints of dinosaurs on those high stones. Fossil stones are out. In many marks, sea water and kai are deposited.

Professor David Martyl of PalioByology in the University of Portsmouth says that this is the first time when we got the marks of dinosaurs on Folkstone formation. This is a wonderful search. Because they are the footprints of those dinosaurs, which were last time in this area. After that the species of dinosaurs was over. Here we have got the footprints of the dinosaurs of six species.

David Martill said that the dinosaurs of these six species have long been in this area. They used to roam in White Cliff of Dover and its surroundings. Next time people have to come here by renting the boat. Because after this discovery, this area is going to be a big tourist destination, where people will come to see the marks of dinosaurs.

When the footprints of the dinosaur became soft, the soil was soft. But later it became a strict stone. However, it did not mark. Now it is very strict. Viewing the footprints of different dinosaurs means that there were different species of dinosaurs in this area. That is, 11 million years ago, South England used to be strong in the cratusius.

After examining the footprints, it was found that there were ankylosaurs, which were the moving tanks. Because their skins were not less than any armor. There were theropods (theropods), which had three fingers in their feet. These were carnivorous, such as Tyrannosaurus Rex used to be. Apart from this, Ornithopods (ornithopods) get the footprints of the dinosaurs. These plants were dinosaurs looking like birds.

Curator Philip Headland of Hustings Museum and Art Gallery said that in 2011 I seemed different to the size and texture of Folkstone stones. I think that the marks that are visible here are just repeat. But more than I could not pay attention. I was waiting that these stones will cut up by colliding the waves and the marks will come up.

Philip said that the same happened. I waited about 10 years for this. When I felt the right time I went and started investigating the marks on the stones. After this, scientists took help so that my search can get authenticity. Therefore sought help from the Scientist of the University of Portsmouth. Most feet marks are far-away. But there are six footprints which are seen while making a track. This is the first time that when so many marks of the same animals are met in a sorted manner.

Philip said that the biggest mark in this place is 80 centimeters wide and 65 centimeters long. Such prospects are being expressed that Iguanodon can be of dinosaurs. These dinosaurs were vegetarians. These were about 10 meters long. They used to either go from two feet so that they can see far away, find food. Or used to use four feet while running.