India / Congress decides to support Bharat bandh on December 8

Vikrant Shekhawat : Dec 06, 2020, 03:34 PM
New Delhi: The Congress has decided to support the Bharat bandh called on December 8 in support of the farmers protesting against the Centre's new agriculture laws.

Speaking at a press conference, party spokesperson Pawan Khera said, "Congress party has decided to support the Bharat bandh on December 8. We will be demonstrating the same at our party offices. It will be a step towards strengthening Rahul Gandhi's support to the farmers. We will ensure that the demonstration is successful."

Raising several questions on the passing of the agriculture bills in the Parliament, he said, "The entire world is witnessing the plight of our farmers. The entire world is seeing the horrible sight of the farmers sitting outside the capital in the middle of the night during winter waiting for the government to listen to them. We need to ask the fundamental question that how did we reach this situation."

"In the middle of COVID-19 pandemic, the government in June surreptitiously brought the Ordinances, why was the hurry everybody want to know? But the government was busy to bring the Ordinance to help its industrialist and corporate friends. Where was the need for hurry even during the Parliament session, why were these bills enacted so fast?" he asked.

The Congress leader alleged, "You suspended the opposition parties from the Parliament. You did not follow the parliamentary procedures and hurried to the passing of bills. Why farmers' advice is not taken into consideration?"

"What we are seeing today is the result of a conspiracy between the government and its corporate friends where the victim would be the farmers. And the farmer knows this," he added.

Farmers have been protesting at the borders of the national capital for over a week now against the three farm laws. The Centre is engaging with farmers to settle their differences.

The farmers are protesting against the Farmers' Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020, the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020, and the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020.