Matter of Work / Grow plants without seeds these plants can also be grown from leaves

Zoom News : Sep 30, 2021, 01:27 PM
Nowadays most of the people are fulfilling their hobby of planting. But many times it is not easy to plant because new plants or seeds have to be brought for planting new plants, in which a lot of money is spent. In such a situation, if anyone wants, one can plant plants with leaves. Today we are going to tell you about some such plants, which apart from seeds, you can also plant plants at home with leaves.

Snake Plant

You do not need to buy a new seed plant to plant a snake plant. To apply it, remove a leaf and cut its back side. After that cut the leaf into three or four parts according to the size. When cutting try to cut at least 3 inches, so that it is easier when shifting to the pot. Snake plant is an easy to grow plant, which can be easily planted anywhere. It can also be planted in low light places.

Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe vera is a medicinal plant that is used to make a variety of medicines and make beauty products. It not only makes the face beautiful but also adds to the beauty of the house. Aloe vera can be kept outdoors or indoors as well. You don't even need to buy seeds to plant it. You can also grow it from its leaves.

Money Plant

Money plant can also be grown in your balcony only with the help of husbands. If you want, you can keep the money plant anywhere in the house. It grows well in sunlight. Let us tell you that money plant is also planted to bring luck and increase beauty in the house.

Rubber Plant

The rubber plant is famous for its beauty, so it is used for decoration in the house. It is a beautiful and evergreen plant and its leaves are very beautiful. Let us tell you that apart from enhancing the beauty of the house, rubber plant also keeps the inside environment clean. Like other plants, there is no need to buy seeds for this too. You can also easily plant it in your home with the help of leaves.

plant material

  • Flowerpot
  • Soil
  • Fertilizer
  • plant cuttings
  • Water
  • Planting method
To plant the plant with the help of leaves, first choose a medium or large sized pot. Now mix 50% vermicompost (earth manure or cow dung) and 50% cocopeat and fill it in the pot. After that, when the party mix is ​​ready, then plant the cuttings of the plant in the pot. Add water as required. Now your pot is completely ready.

Based on the information given above, you too can easily plant these plants at your home with the help of husbands and can enhance the beauty of the house. If you liked this article, then do share it.