Viral News / Here the house is being sold for just Rs 12, know the reason for this great offer

Zoom News : Jun 12, 2021, 04:25 PM
Jagreb: A strange problem has been made in front of the administration in a city of Croatia (Legrad) in Croatia. Due to low transport connectivity, people are leaving their homes. People are compelled to sell homes in a quote or 12 rupees.

Why the population decreasing in Lagrad city?

According to a report printed in Reuters, the second place in Ligrd city Croatia, where the country's most population was. But after the breakdown of Austro-Hungarian Empire (Austro-Hungarian Empire) about 100 years ago, the population is continuously decreasing.

Mayor Evan Sabolik said that since our city is made a border city, the population has been severely reduced. The limit of Ligrad city is attached to Hungary.

Such is the view of the city

Know that greenery is sufficient in the city city. Here's the forest. 2,250 people live in this city. 70 years ago, the people lived in the city of Ligrd.

Mayer said that the recent 19 house was emptied together. You will be surprised to know these houses price. Here's a home price is just 1 Kuna or 12 rupees. 17 out of these are sold till now.

Help Municipality in settling

He further said that some of these are broken. If someone wants to buy a house here, then the municipality will help him to repair the house. If anybody wants to stay here, then it has to be aged to stay at least 15 years.