COVID-19 Update / Lambda can be many times more lethal than double mutant delta variant, these 5 things increase concern

Zoom News : Jul 10, 2021, 10:04 AM
New Delhi. In the midst of the Coronavirus crisis, the new challenge has been the knock of the lambda variant (C.37). Although more study is yet to be done on this, but the warning from the World Health Organization (WHO) is frightening. The head of the organization, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, compared Lambda to the delta variant causing havoc worldwide. Data from GISAID shows that this variant has spread to 31 countries of the world.

This new form of Corona, Lambda was introduced in Peru in August 2020. This variant has been confirmed in some samples in the UK. At the same time, patients of this variant have been found in 43 out of 50 states of America. Apart from these, Lambda variants have been entered in Israel, Spain, Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, Turkey and Australia. The rapidly increasing cases of lambdas in a world already facing delta variants will only add to the trouble.

WHO data shows that 82 percent of cases found in Peru in May-June were due to lambda variants. Whereas, during the same period 32 percent of the cases in Chile were of this variant. In Argentina, 37 percent cases of this form of corona were reported. This variant, in addition to Peru, is spreading to South American countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico. Peru has the highest death rate due to Kovid in the world.

Due to the presence of two mutations in the spike protein, the delta variant was called a double mutant. Seven mutations have been observed in the spike protein of the lambda variant. Variant of interest means that the investigation is going on. This also means that not much is known about this variant. When we find out that this strain has seen many unusual genetic changes, the difficulty may increase.

A mutation L452Q could be responsible for making this variant more infectious. Because it is similar to the L452R mutation of delta, which makes this variant more contagious. The WHO has said that due to the mutation, this variant may have more power to spread and increase vaccine resistance. Apart from this, it can also dodge the body's immune response. Overall the variants have seen mutations in 75 per cent of the sequences. In view of these unusual mutations, Britain has kept this variant under investigation.

A Peruvian molecular biologist has claimed that the lambda variant is more contagious. Noting the trend, Dr Pablo Sukayama of Caytano Heredia University in Lima said that the infectivity of lambda is higher than other variants of the corona virus. A report in the Financial Times in December quoted Dr Pablo as saying that the lambda variant appeared in one sample out of 200, increasing by 50 per cent in March and 80 per cent in June.

In a study done on lambda, it has been reported that the variant increases infectivity by two times. However, this study remains to be reviewed. At the same time, another study states that lambda is more contagious than alpha and gamma variants. If it proves to be more contagious than the delta variant, and spreads rapidly in the world, it will be included in the variant of concern soon.

Limited studies suggest that existing mRNA vaccines may be effective, but more studies are needed to ascertain the effect of the variant against this form of corona.

This is also a matter of concern for India due to travels in America and European countries. Till now no case of Lambda variant has been found in India, but we cannot rule out its possibilities in future due to international travels. Once cases of lambda variants are found in India, it will only add to the Covid cases.

The second wave was earlier being said that the delta variant was not responsible, but now this variant is dominant in India and the world. India has accepted that this strain was the cause of the second wave in the country. India needs to be careful with the Lambda variant. If we look at the vaccine, there has been no such study so far, which can tell whether the vaccines being used in India - Covishield, Covaccine and Sputnik can neutralize the V variants. Apart from this, the big problem is that 70 percent of our population is still not vaccinated.