World News / New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern turns Corona positive

Zoom News : May 14, 2022, 08:42 AM
Wellington. New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has become Corona positive. He has given this information on his Instagram. Sharing the information, she told that she has become positive. But later this month she plans to travel to the US to do a business tour as well as deliver a speech at Harvard University. On Saturday, Ardern shared a picture of her Corona positive result on Instagram and revealed that she was going to make several important political announcements in the coming week. These announcements include the release of the government's annual budget and plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. She said that I personally missed being there but will keep in touch with the team.

Ardern Flowers is vaccinated but after her fiancé Clarke Gayford was found positive, she also got infected with Corona. He is in home isolation since last Sunday. Under New Zealand health regulations, corona-positive people will have to isolate for seven days if someone in their household is found positive. Ardern said that she underwent a rapid antigen test on Friday night and then on Saturday she became corona positive. In his post, Ardern did not explain his symptoms. However, his office said in a statement that he started showing symptoms from Friday.

The government said in a statement that Ardern's symptoms were moderate and she would be isolated at home for seven days. He has been in home isolation since last Sunday, when his fiancé Clarke Gayford tested positive for the virus. Sharing the photo on Instagram, she wrote in the caption that despite all the efforts, I joined the rest of my family members who have turned out to be Kovid positive. While we have been isolated since last Sunday, when Clarke's first report came positive. Last Wednesday, Nav also became corona positive and I became corona positive today.