Science / Scientists find new coronaviruses in bats in Laos

Vikrant Shekhawat : Feb 17, 2022, 06:09 PM
New Delhi: The world is already troubled by new variants of Corona virus and now three new Korana viruses have been detected which are spreading through bats. These corona viruses can be very dangerous for humans.

What are scientists saying

Scientists from the National University of Laos and the Institut Pasteur du Laos published their findings in the journal Nature on Wednesday, reports our partner website WION. According to the paper published in Nature, these scientists have found that viruses named BANAL-103, BANAL-236 and BANAL-52 have genomic similarities to the coron virus that causes the SARS-CoV-2 global pandemic. The new coronaviruses show specific similarities in the key domain of the spike protein that enables the virus to bind to host cells.

These corona viruses are capable of entering human cells

The observations made by the scientists have led them to note that these three corona viruses are able to enter human cells using the same receptor as SARS-CoV-2.

These three new corona viruses are spreading through bats

In their paper, the scientists said in their paper, "The existence of these viruses, discovered in the bat reservoir, supports the theory that SARS-CoV-2 may have originated from bats living in the vast karst highlands in the Indochina Peninsula, which is located in Laos, Vietnam." and spread to China.

Scientists from the Pathogen Discovery Laboratory at the premier institute Pasteur Marc Eloit said other related viruses could pose a risk to human health.

What is about to spread a wave of a new epidemic around the world

The detection of the new corona virus in bats bolsters the theory that the epidemic corona virus originated from animals. So does this mean that these new corona viruses are about to spread a wave of a new epidemic around the world?