Special / Suddenly ghost start jumping in the field farmer jugaad goes viral

Zoom News : Dec 30, 2022, 05:50 PM
Desi Jugaad News: We Indians are not going to lag behind anyone when it comes to Jugaad technology. Everywhere they use their jugaad. Be it a mechanic or a farmer. Farmers have many such works in the field, which can take hours to do. Monitoring farms is one of them. The most difficult task is to drive away the animals and birds that come to the field after standing in the sun all day long. A farmer cannot stand in the middle of his field every day. Because of this, the farmer used to make a human-like effigy and make it stand in the middle. At present, new tricks of the farmers are being seen, which people are giving the name of desi jugaad.

The farmer used jugaad to drive away the bird

One such video is going viral on social media, in which farmers have devised a ghostly method to drive away the sparrows from the fields. Through this indigenous jugaad, birds and animals will stay away from the farm. At the moment, after seeing this trick, people were surprised that what kind of method is this to drive away the birds. It can be seen from the observation that an iron mannequin buried in the ground has been tied to a spongy stick, which will start moving when the wind blows. However, the look of this mannequin has been given ghostly.

People liked this method of the farmer very much

People liked this method of the farmer very much. Even before this, the farmer had used indigenous jugaad to drive away the birds from the field. The farmer had used a unique device so that the birds do not destroy the crops in the fields. This video has been shared on Instagram by the name Jugaad Life Hacks. It is written in the caption of the video, 'Easy way to drive away the birds...'

It is not easy to stand in the fields all day

Let us tell you that it is difficult for the farmers to stand in the sun for the whole day in the big farms. Earlier, people used to make an effigy of a man and make it stand in the middle of the fields. However, after a long time, when it did not get much benefit, then farmers are taking out different types of Desi Jugaad.