Baba Ramdev / There should be no tension in the name of Sanatani, spreading political terrorism is not the aim – Baba Ramdev

Vikrant Shekhawat : Jun 16, 2023, 07:03 PM
Baba Ramdev: Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev has a special conversation with the media. On the question asked about the Hindu nation, Ramdev said that I do not want to create tension in the name of Sanatani. I do not agree with any statement of sages, saints and leaders. I am only a worshiper of truth. He said that everyone should move forward on their own religion and do good deeds. With this, religion will automatically become good. My aim is not to spread political terrorism.

Ramdev said that some people spread hysteria and religious conversions in the name of justice and religion. There is no need to do this. Those who convert, spread love jihad and cut dead bodies into pieces and feed them to dogs, such people defame Muslims, Islam and Quran. He said that if this happens in Hindu, Jain, Sikh and Buddhist religions, then there is defamation there too.

Crazy people are everywhere - Ramdev

Regarding the violence, Ramdev said that the people responsible should ensure that no such riots take place. Crazy people are everywhere. Make them do anulom-vilom, this is the solution. MPs of a party say that they will not do yoga. Hey brother, if you do yoga, your heart and mind will be fine. One should not worry about such people.

What did Baba Ramdev say on UCC?

In response to a question on the Uniform Civil Code (UCC), Ramdev said that religious practice may be different, but a constitution will run the country. UCC is a judicial process, which is very important. He told that there was a conference of Sanatan Dharmis in Barmer. I said that some people misunderstand the meaning of Islam. Some people only read Namaz and then do wrong things. I do not target any religion. People take the opposite meaning out.

What did Baba Ramdev say about the vaccine?

Ramdev said that allopathy people lied that arthritis and BP sugar cannot be cured. We have done more than 100 trials. This is not allopathy, it has become falseopathy. We do not move forward with religious frenzy, we move forward with complete research and evidence. There are complications in the vaccine, this has also been accepted by the doctors. It is wrong to take it politically.

Regarding Patanjali Ayurveda, Baba Ramdev said that in the coming 5 to 7 years the turnover of our company will be 1 lakh crore. He said that earlier I used to be made fun of. People did not have a sense of pride towards the brand of their country. Now we have broken the monopoly of others. I was born in an illiterate house. Took a resolution and see what has been made from what. We did what the entire medical science could not do.