Surya Grahan 2022 / Do these 5 things after the solar eclipse Otherwise negative effect will not end

Zoom News : Oct 25, 2022, 06:39 PM
Solar Eclipse: The last solar eclipse of the year is over. According to religious beliefs, solar eclipse is an inauspicious event and some precautions should be taken to avoid its bad effects. To avoid the inauspicious effects of solar eclipse, it is very important to do some work not only at the time of eclipse but also immediately after the eclipse is over. Otherwise, the negative effect of solar eclipse can bring problems in your life.

Do these 5 things after solar eclipse:-

bath is most important

One should take bath immediately after the solar eclipse is over. Mixing Gangajal in water while taking bath ends the negative effects of eclipse. Clean clothes should be worn after bath.

sprinkle gangajal

At the end of solar eclipse, sprinkle Gangajal in the house. Purify the place of worship with Gangajal. Sprinkle Gangajal on the idols of deities. By doing this the negative effect of eclipse ends.

purify the Ganges water

It must be kept in mind that after the solar eclipse, the Ganges water also has to be purified. For this, put basil leaves in Gangajal.

make a donation

Donating after the solar eclipse is over is considered very auspicious, especially donating sesame and gram lentils. It is believed that donating sesame and gram can get rid of all the troubles of life.

sweep the house

After the solar eclipse, definitely put a broom and mop in the house. It is believed that by doing this the negative energy of the eclipse gets destroyed.