World / Lockdown end in Spain people started celebration on roads

Zoom News : May 14, 2021, 03:02 PM
Madrid: The people of Spain (Spain), who have been under long-term restrictions due to the Coronavirus, showed a festive atmosphere when the lockdown was declared dead. People took to the streets to celebrate. During this, many couples were seen kissing each other.

79 thousand people have died

In view of the celebration, the Spanish government has also urged caution. The Mayor of Madrid has said that independence does not mean that liquor parties are held on the street. The country's Deputy Prime Minister Carmen Calvo has also said that the epidemic has not ended, people should follow the security measures. Let us tell you that there are about 79,000 deaths from Corona in Spain.

Negligence may outweigh

Hotels have also seen a lot of hustle and bustle. The employees working here also looked happy. Now these hotels will be able to remain open till 1 pm. At the same time, given these conditions, experts have warned that taking the pandemic lightly may be overwhelming. The epidemic is not yet over and many people are still infected, which can spread the virus. Therefore, vigilance is necessary.

Fierce parties in Barcelona-Madrid

During this time, the most parties took place in Barcelona and Madrid. Here many couples were kissing each other. In Madrid, people danced on the streets for a long time without wearing a mask. At the same time, people gathered near the beach in Barcelona.

Did not apply mask

According to the report published in Reuters, the police had to struggle a lot during this period. He had to tell people that drinking alcohol is prohibited on the streets. At the same time, a large number of people were partying without a mask.

Emergency was in place since October

According to a report by 'The Sun', Emergency had been in place since October last year to deal with the corona epidemic in Spain. This restriction was lifted in the past. Several months later, after the announcement of the lockdown was over, people were in a mood of excitement.