Special / After Star death biggest Explosion in the Universe so far captured in camera

A very big event has happened in the universe and the amazing thing is that it has also been caught on camera. Actually, a giant gamma-ray burst has occurred at a distance of one billion light years from Earth. Astronomers say that this is the biggest explosion in the universe captured on camera. This explosion was of a combination of very bright X-rays and Gamma-Ray.

Vikrant Shekhawat : Jun 04, 2021, 03:31 PM
Hamburg: A very big event has happened in the universe and the amazing thing is that it has also been caught on camera. Actually, a giant gamma-ray burst has occurred at a distance of one billion light years from Earth. Astronomers say that this is the biggest explosion in the universe captured on camera. This explosion was of a combination of very bright X-rays and Gamma-Ray.

explosion after star's death

Experts at the German Electron Synchrotron in Hamburg, Germany, say that this event happened after the death of a star. After death, this star started turning into a black hole, at the same time it was captured in the camera. This event has been captured by the Fermi and Swift telescopes in space with the help of the High Energy Stereoscopic System Telescope in Namibia. Even after the explosion at a distance of millions of light years, scientists are telling it as if it happened very close to the Earth.

Gamma-ray will be visible for several days

According to the report of Daily Mail UK, German electron synchrotron scientist Dr. Andrew Taylor says that this gamma-ray will continue to be visible for several days to come. A paper about this phenomenon has been published in the journal Science. Sylvia Jhu, one of the authors of this paper, has said that this star was spinning rapidly and as soon as it was destroyed, we were able to capture this event, one of the biggest explosions in the universe.

Jhu says the eruption's emissions are divided into two distinct phases. The first phase is the one that lasts only a few seconds and then the subsequent phase in which there is a long lasting afterglow.