Careful / Debris from a large out of control Chinese Long March 5B rocket is going to hit the earth surface soon

Zoom News : May 06, 2021, 11:17 AM
China is engaged in regaining its kingship not only on earth but also in space, but now its trials are gradually becoming a threat to the earth. A giant Chinese rocket has gone uncontrollable in space and now it can fall to Earth by early Saturday. According to scientists, the largest part of the rocket that launched the main module of China's first permanent space station into orbit may have fallen to some unknown location in the early hours of Saturday. Typically, individual parts of a rocket destroyed by friction in the Earth's atmosphere are immediately demolished in a controlled manner, but this is not the case with Chinese rockets.

This rocket is about 100 feet long and weighs around 21 tons. In these two days time, this rocket will revolve around the Earth 30 times. This rocket is traveling 18 thousand miles in an hour. If this part falls in a populated area, there may be catastrophe.

China's space agency has not yet said whether the "core stage" of the giant Long March 5B rocket is being controlled or will be an out-of-control one. Last May, another Chinese rocket fell uncontrollably into West Africa's Atlantic Ocean.

Basic information about the rocket's part and its trajectory is unknown as the Chinese government has not yet publicly commented. China's National Space Administration did not respond to a phone call on Wednesday.

However, the Global Times, a newspaper published by the Chinese Communist Party, said that the outer "thin layer" of aluminum-alloy of this part would easily burn in the atmosphere, leaving people at extremely low risk.

While there is no significant risk to the life of the Earth due to the waste present in space, but it definitely threatens the active satellites collecting the information of the weather, the environment.

According to a CNN report, part of China's Long March 5B rocket could fall to Earth between 8 and 10 May. US Space Command is constantly tracking the rocket. However, it is difficult to tell the exact location of the rocket until it is a few hours away from the Earth.