International Yoga Day / Yoga Poses For A Couch Potato best and easiest bed yoga which can be done while lying on bed to stay fit

Zoom News : Jun 21, 2021, 11:35 AM
Yoga For Lazy People: Today International Yoga Day is being celebrated all over the world. This special day is celebrated every year on 21st June to spread awareness among people about Yoga. But if you are one of those people who are unable to do yoga in the morning due to lack of time or laziness, then you can do these 5 yoga even while lying on your bed. By doing these, you will not only feel fit throughout the day, but your fitness will also be maintained.

Do these 5 yogasanas while lying on the bed-


To do Mrityasana, first of all lie down on your back. Then pull the chest and neck upwards. Keeping the strength of the chest on the elbows of the hands, press the claws of the hands under the hips. Do not do this pose more than 3 to 4 times at a time. While doing this asana, keep in mind that you do not have neck problems. So don't force yourself in the beginning. Do as many poses as you can.


This asana works to keep your neck, shoulders, head and respiratory tract healthy. Also, diseases related to the throat are not able to make you their victim quickly. This asana helps to tone your lower body.

leg-up the wall pose

While doing this asana, while lying on your back, rest your feet on the wall. The upper part of the waist will remain on the bed and the feet including the hips will touch the wall. One can stay in this posture for 5-7 minutes. To do this asana, first of all, straighten your legs upwards with the help of the wall. Try to keep your hips area close to the wall. Now lie down with your hands on either side of the head in a relaxing position.


By doing this asana, by increasing the blood flow towards the head, it helps in relieving your stress. By doing this the mind gets peace. Along with this, you also get relief in foot pain due to lack of walk.

After waking up in the morning, if you feel that there is absolutely no energy in your body, then do this asana before getting out of bed. This will improve your blood circulation and you will feel energized.


Paschimottanasana is called 'Forward Band Pose' in English. To do this asana, you must first sit in Sukhasana. Now spread both the legs towards the front. Sit in a relaxed position by making some distance between the legs. Now stretch the body by moving your hands upwards. Then while exhaling, bend forward and keep your palms flat on the bed at the level of the feet. Stay seated in this position for as long as you can, and then while inhaling, bring the hands upwards. You can repeat this process 3 to 4 times at a time.


To do this asana, you have to sit with your legs stretched out. Now while bending towards the feet, take both your hands forward in this way and then bring them backwards, as if you are driving a boat. Keep in mind that as much as you have to lean forward, try to go backwards as well. So take care of your sitting position and do not let the balance deteriorate. Do this asana only for 1 to 2 minutes at a time.


By doing this asana, it will help in reducing the fat of your lower portion.

Setubandhasana –

You can do this asana very easily by lying on your back on the bed. To do this, lie down, keep your hands beside the body, palms facing the ground and both the arms should be straight. Now bend the knees of both your feet in such a way that the soles of the feet touch the ground. After this, take a breath, hold the breath for a few moments and slowly try to raise the waist above the ground. You have to raise the waist so much that the chest touches the chin. Hold for a few seconds then return to the normal position.


If you often have pain in your back, then this asana can prove to be very helpful for you. The effect of this asana is on the spinal cord and the entire nervous system. In addition, your metabolism also accelerates.