Viral News / World's tallest horse Big Jake dies, Guinness World Record was created

Zoom News : Jul 08, 2021, 03:44 PM
In the past, the horse was considered to be the ruler ride and due to the important role in war, it has been an important place in history. But do you know now the world's highest horse Big Jake has died Big Jake was 20 years old and lived in Belgian Poornn's Smokey Hallo form. Jerry Gilbert's wife Valocia Gilbert said that Big Jake's death was two weeks ago. However, when the news agency Associated Press reached them on Monday through Facebook, he refused to tell the right date of death.

It was said in the statement given by the family, "We will not remember that date - this is a painful event for our family.

If the world's highest horse talked about Big Jake, then his height was 6-foot -10 inches, while its weight was 2,500 pounds i.e. 1,136 kilogram.

Big Jake was certified as the Guinness Book of World Records in 2010 as the world's longest living horse. Horse owner Jerry Gilbert told WMTV that Big Jake was a "superstar" and "really fantastic animal".

He said that Big Jake was born in Nebraska and at the time of birth, his weight was 240 pounds, that was 109 kilograms, which was more than 45 kilograms compared to a normal Belgian horse.

He said that he is planning to remember Big Jake by placing his stall empty and putting a mark out with his picture and name.

Gilbert said that Big Jake "was of a very calm trend. I think it is my sadness because my attention was centered on Jake. It seems that it is still here, but the truth is That he is no longer in this world. "